According to sources from which it is originated, honey can be divided into floral honey and honeydew. Flower honey comes mainly from the flowers of various plants, while honeydew comes from the sweet liquid that some insects expel as the excess food, while eating the juice of the plant where the insect is located.
Floral honey
It is subdivided into many types, and the main factor determining which type belongs to is the plant from which the nectar is collected for its production. Some of the known types of honey are: acacia, linden, chestnut, sage, etc. Each of these species is easily distinguished by color, flavor and other characteristics.
Acacia honey (Robinia pseudoacacia)
Acacia honey (Robinia pseudoacacia) by value for the beekeeping belongs to the first place. The selection of soil is very modest, and growth and the lowest type of soil, and even on live sand. The largest acacia forest in the former Yugoslavia are in Vojvodina. Rarely planted acacia trees has the richer flower, gets more sun, so gives more honey then acacia in the forest. Blooming of acacia comes in the first half of May, while the bees are undeveloped, so it can not take maximum advantage. At one place acacia blooms about 12 days. The secretion of nectar favor warm nights, with plenty of morning dew, and the days should be moderately hot windless. In favorable weather, strong community gather on acacia 50 kilograms of nectar for ten days. On acacia within a pasture may be extracted about 20 kilograms of honey per hive. In the former Yugoslavia 1963rd The acacia was excellent pasture. It is noted that strong community produced 50 kilograms, while the very strong community produced up to 70 kilograms of honey.
Pure acacia honey, with no impurities, very bright, transparent glass, almost colorless. Low smelling. Taste is reminiscent of acacia juice. It is very mild and pleasant. Mature acacia honey is thick. From invert sugar contains more fruit than grapes, so long stays in a liquid state. Sometimes stays for a year but not crystallize. At low temperatures it becomes very adhesive, stretches like a dough. It is suitable for bees wintering.
Lime Honey (Tilia L.)
Lime has more species, but it is difficult to distinguish. Lime trees are nice and big, with a strong regular tops. Linden leaves the diverse shapes and sizes. Linden blooms at half of June until mid-July. In Bosnia and Herzegovina the most important lime trees are at Majevica and Grmec. Lime favors protected habitats in valleys where the air is stagnant. Requires a warm and beautiful days with enough moisture in the air, favors the mild and light rain in time of blossoming. In our country it rarely get more than 20 kilograms of honey per hive in lime pasture.
Lime honey is mildly yelow to greenish. Is a very strong odor of blossom. It has a pleasant sweet and sharp taste, but few bitterish. Due to excessive flavor and bitterness by some consumers can not tolerate. Crystallized for one to two months, creating small crystals. It is good for bees wintering.
Chestnut honey (Castanea sativa M)
Chestnut growing in the wild woods. Because the berries it is included among the fruit, and because of the place and the way of growth among the forest trees. Chestnut is very high and branching tree. The leaves are extended oval, serrated at the edges. Begins to bloom in June. Blooming of each tree takes about 10 days, but since all the trees do not bloom all at once, extending to 20 days. In the first days it is poor source for honey medical, only to pollen, but when weather become warm, with plenty of moisture in the air it can be very good pasture. Bees bury hive with pollen nor as in any other pasture. About half of the total input is the pollen. The daily inputs could move up to 5 kilograms. The highest total yield could be 10-15 kilograms of honey.
Honey is a light yellow , very strong and sharp flavor. The sweet-bitter taste, which is why consumers do not take it regularly. Not crystallized a few months. Not suitable for wintering bees on him.
Heather honey (Calluna vulgaris)
Heather is a perennial wooden halfbush that up to 50 cm tall, shell leaves, with pale or purple flowers. Blooms from early August until frost. It favors area with abundant rainfall. We have it in sporadic places. The yields amount is the most 3 kilograms per day and usually produce 10-15 kilograms. Interestingly, the yields generally steady, no surprises. This honey has another characteristic, and it is hard to extract from the comb.
Honey is yellow or dark yellow. Low smelling, pleasant specific taste. Crystallises after 2-3 months. With the help of microscope may be differ from other types of honey by the presence of needle crystals. It is suitable for wintering bees.
Honey Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Sage (garden sage, bot, wormwood) is a native plant. There is in Herzegovina and has a significance role in preserving the land from the spreding by wind. The best areas are considered areas of Dubrovnik by Matkovic and Trebinje. Sage is a perennial wooden bush from which grew by more shoots to 70 cm high. The leaves are narrow, oval, slightly toothed on the edges. Blooming lasts about 20 days. Early sage begins to flourish at the end of April. First, the one closer to the sea, so it moves towards the interior and mountains, where the blooming months ending in mid June. After acacia, sage pasture is the most valuable for bees. Sage favors the warm weather with plenty of moisture in the air. It likes small light rain. Without sage bees could not survive in karst areas.
Sage honey is pleasant to slightly bitter taste. It has a distinct smell of blooming plants. Long held in a liquid state. Crystallizes in a medium large crystals, but even then not to much. Color varies because it simultaneously flowering vines, which affects the color.
Not all of honeydew are the equal quality. Considered the very best is the fir honeydew. After it, oak honeydew, it is ejected by the thyroid aphides on the oak. Lesser quality are considered sallow and beech honeydew. Honeydew is characterized by the fact that it is enriched with minerals, which is valued by consumers. However, honeydew honey is not suitable for bees consumption, especially in winter, because there are plenty of digestible substances that accumulate in large amounts in the intestine and causes diarrhea.