I have been beekeeper since 1978. During the eighties, I was learning throw the seminars about the proces of producing royal jelly by method of professor Pislak from Slovenia. I was forced to leave my town Vlasenica during the agression of Bosnia were my bees stayed.
In surrouned Sarajevo, were I have escaped, in 1994. I have got a few hives and started again with beekeeping, what I have been doing during the war.
After moving to the Hadžiće (near by Sarajevo) on the slopes of mountain Igman, I had new chanse and good conditions to start again with beekeeping.
In spring of 2005., together with my younger son, I have got ten hives with aim to produce royal jelly.
Next year we had beegarden with 40 hives. Unfortunately bees didn'n survive winter, what have discouraged us about proceeding the production of royal jelly.
Our wish to come back to our vilage Johovača (near by Vlasenica) has come true in 2008. and we decided to countine with producing royal jelly. Weather in 2008. wasn't friendly for beekeeping and we have lost beegarden of 50 hives.
Season in 2009th we will remember by very good productivity of royal jelly. This time we placed beegarden in Blažuj (near by Sarajevo), the number of hives was 50 again. This year we will also remember because we have got a new member of family (my grandson) and the doctor (my doughter in low have graduated medicine).
In the future our plan is to produce also other bee products beside royal jelly.
Now, we are on the beginning of the new season and arrangement, we hope that we will be able to increase the number of the bee hives as we planed to.
We gets encouraging comments very often from visitors of our web site, and suggestions to enlarge our producing capacity. We can promise that we will try to enlarge our producing capacity, but never on cost of quality what allways was and will be on the first place for us.
Mevludin Memišević